Wednesday, March 17, 2010

March in March

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The issue of the California budget in respects to education is one of heated debate on and off campuses across the state. Students attending respective UC and CSU campuses along with the Community Colleges of California (CCC), along with friends and family, are continuing to make their stance on their opposition of budget cuts, and the support of furthering of quality education. Of course, the students and faculty of CSUN are not exempt from such sentiments.

To many involved, the walkouts taking place on March 11th was considered just the beginning. In support of the collective peoples' voice, a March in March is set to take place this coming Monday, March 21st, at our state's capital in Sacramento. Buses will be departing at 2:00 am, transporting students, faculty and community members alike to march with other supporters residing in this state in the hopes that we will finally be heard.

For those who have not already made advance plans to join the march or who may not be able to attend for various reasons, there is still a way in which you can show your support. CSUN will be hosting a March in March Eve on Sunday, March 20th. Events will start at 8:00 pm at USU Quad (Plaza del Sol), with music from DJ Gomez IV. In addition to all night teach-ins and workshops, there will be free food and poster making activities. Everyone who is able is encouraged to support and join in with the CSU community for an important cause.